“Providing a guide to optimise the lakeside heart of our Wānaka community” 

A holistic plan that represents the communities aspirations, covering all aspects necessary to guide us and to coordinate integrated development.

Our Goal: With community support the Heart of Wānaka Plan is to endorsed by UCCB July 2023.

Our Guiding Principles

Our Why?

A succession of Masterplan efforts over the last decade and no plan in currently in place and times have substantially changed in the last 3 years.

Our Who?

The Wānaka Heart Steering Group. Our cross sector steering group working on a volunteer basis since 2021 is directing the production of a community supported plan, looking after the process, the consultation and over viewing the content. Reset Urban Design will be providing technical documentation, plans and report.


With community support the Heart of Wānaka Plan is to endorsed by UCCB July 2023.

Wānaka Town Centre Illustrative Draft Plan

“Providing a guide to optimise of the lakeside heart of our Wānaka community”